News Article

Reclaiming Lost Time - 5 Ways To Get Back Hours In Your Day

Posted 19th April 2023 • Written by Dr. Ruth Gotian on •

There are several time-saving techniques to consider to manage your time more effectively. For starters, open your calendar and see what to expect for the coming day and week. This quick process will give you the space to strategize and eliminate surprises.


Not everything is essential

Not everything on your to-do list is of equal urgency or importance. Make a list of the tasks that need completion and give them a priority score. Tackle the most urgent tasks first. Of course, everything might seem important, but everything cannot have the same value. Finally, someone else’s disorganization should not be your emergency.


Use parallel tasks instead of multitasking

Research has repeatedly shown that multitasking does not work. It makes you less efficient and more prone to mistakes. Of course, you might feel like you are the exception to the rule, but the research is also clear on this. Only 2.5% of people multitask effectively. While an obvious way to combat this is to work on one task at a time, you can do parallel tasks to increase your productivity. For example, you can put a load of laundry in the washer, and, while it’s running, work on writing drafts of a document. Or, you send out emails, and while waiting for responses, you work on other tasks. This way, you maximize what would otherwise be voided time.


Leverage technology

There is no shortage of apps to help you manage your time. Avoid back-and-forth emails by using Calendly to have people schedule their appointments and Trello to track progress on tasks. Use the Pomodoro Technique to work in spurts.


Identify a plan of action

A goal without a plan is just a wish. Having and articulating your goals is a critical first step. The next step is to come up with a plan to help you achieve those goals. Once the plan is laid out, it is time to start taking action, and turning one day and making today day one.


Are you the only one who can do this?

Focus on the tasks that only you can do. By delegating to others, you aren’t just taking things off of your to-do list, you are giving others an opportunity to shine and show what they are capable of accomplishing. You are giving other people the chance to excel.


Time is a precious resource. Knowing how to leverage your peak performance hours and optimizing your day is an important life skill.

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