Diversity Policy

Recruiting a diverse workforce

We are all different. At People First, we celebrate those differences and that is why we are committed to promoting diversity within the workplace.

Both as an employer and as a provider of services, we aim to offer equal opportunities for all. Our own work force is very diverse and we strive to ensure that there are equal opportunities available for all People First employees and our database of candidates.

Our consultants receive in-house training in promoting diversity to our clients. They are coached on how to create non-discriminatory advertisements, which will attract a wide range of candidates and to experiment with the use of a more diverse media, to appeal to a broad cross-section of the public. We also train our staff on conducting competency-based and non-discriminatory interviews; additionally, we monitor our selection procedures to ensure that we can measure the progress we make towards widening the diversity of our database of candidates.

Diversity helps organisations to grow. We live in a fluid society; by welcoming individuals from a variety of cultures, social backgrounds and beliefs into our workforce, we believe that we, and the client companies we assist, will continue to evolve.

People First has also signed up to the REC's diversity pledge.