News Article

CV TIPS - 7 LinkedIn Blunders To Avoid

Posted 12th July 2022 • Written by Robin Ryan on •

Here are seven mistakes you want to avoid or correct if you are guilty of making one, two, or more.


Blunder 1 - Don’t have a full profile. A complete, full profile is essential if you want to be found on LinkedIn. That means all the required sections are filled out correctly. No areas are ignored.


Blunder 2 - No detailed or outdated work experience. Many people have a very sparse work experience section. The list is just the job title, employer name, and the dates of employment. Others might have very long or generic job descriptions. Another common mistake is that people describe what their company does, but not what they do. The work history is a crucial section. It’s often heavily screened by recruiters looking to poach an employer and get you interested in one of their job opportunities. So, in the Experience section you’ll want to note a few key accomplishments and results you have achieved in that job.


Blunder 3 - Ineffective headline. People do not understand the importance of selecting impactful keywords for their headlines. Many say that they didn’t realize they could change the headline or that they should change it. If you look under your name, LinkedIn creates your headline by default, simply listing your current job title.


Blunder 4 - Not being active on LinkedIn. The more you post on LinkedIn, the better you will do with the algorithm that controls the website. Keep in mind posting is not the same as commenting or liking something.


Blunder 5 - About section has little to do with who you are.

Writing about your company or pasting a list of core competencies does not work here. Yet, that’s what many people do. Use the first line to summarize your experience concisely. Then it’s time to get personal. Skills and work history can be found elsewhere. LinkedIn recommends you use this area to share your personality. You do that by writing everything else here in first person.


Blunder 6 - You lack many connections. The number of connections makes a difference in your visibility on this platform. People who have under 75 connections are at an extreme disadvantage. LinkedIn recommends you have 300-500 connections for a solid network. Try to reach out to friends, coworkers, old bosses, college friends, former coworkers, etc. Building up your connections is job number one.


Blunder 7 - Poor photo. . Nothing is more important than showing a professional-looking headshot with a smiling face that looks warm and engaging. No professional photographer is needed.

To read the original article click here

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